Image courtesy of Encore Films PH
Naoko Yamada, director of the hit anime series “K-On!,” delivers another heartfelt musical journey with the original anime film, “The Colors Within.” The film follows Totsuko, a high school student who has the ability to see the “colors” of other people. Emotions are different colors to her, but Totsuko’s favorite color is the one her favorite classmate, Kimi, exudes. Together they form a band with the quiet Rui, and their story of friendship and music unfolds.
Image courtesy of Encore Films PH
After the world premiere at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in France, the film opened to critical acclaim. “The Colors Within” also won the Golden Goblet Award for Best Animation Film at the 2024 Shanghai International Film Festival.
Image courtesy of Encore Films PH
Go on a sensational journey as “The Colors Within” makes a splash in Philippine cinemas on October 23. Follow Encore Films PH on Facebook and @encorefilmsph on Instagram for the latest updates.
See the Trailer here: