Netflix's live-action adaptation of the beloved manga/anime is another win for the streamer after the triumph of #OnePiece. Choosing to tell its take on the classic 1990 Shonen Jump serial, the show achieves near-nerd nirvana with its blend of well-shot and choreographed fight scenes along with the potent chemistry between the 4 leads. Of course, the series lives or dies by its main characters and it's an utter delight seeing the classic quartet come to life in a way updated for the 21st century. Special mention goes to Go Ayano as the Younger Toguro.
With just 5 episodes for Season 1, it's an easily bingable watch perfect for the weekend. However, we could've gone for 5 more episodes with how awesome everyone was. We're giddy to see how Season 2 and beyond could play out - THE DARK TOURNAMENT ANYONE?!
Cinegeeks Rating
Yu Yu Hakusho is on Netflix